
Andy Campbell.

Andy Campbell
Unit Computing Manager
SEBS/NJAES Administration and Academic Units
Andy provides direct information technology support to the Department of Nutritional Sciences and the Institute of Food, Nutrition & Health. He provides managerial oversight for IT support to the SEBS/NJAES administration, DEENR, Entomology, DAFRE, Human Ecology, and Biochemistry & Microbiology. He manages SEBS student e-mail distribution list resources.

Brian Cotter.

Brian Cotter
Unit Computing Specialist
Martin Hall Administration
Brian provides comprehensive IT support to the Martin Hall administrative staff.

Liza Grillo.

Liza Grillo
Systems Administrator
Liza manages IT service and support contracts, procurement, security certificates for SEBS and NJAES, and server infrstructure operations and assets.

Karl Lindauer.

Karl Lindauer
Associate Director
Enterprise Servers and Off-Campus Network
Karl is a senior systems administrator for the Agricultural Experiment Station Operations (AESOP) enterprise cluster, the Office365 email domains used by the school and experiment station, and the voice, video and data network (NJAESnet) that integrates off-campus research and extension centers with the main Rutgers campus. He provides the day to day management of Office365 user accounts and files, e-mail client support, core distribution lists, specialized SQL database systems, dynamic web development, and assistance with networking and VoIP issues.

Michelle Martel

Michelle Martel
Unit Computing Specialist
Landscape Architecture
Michelle provides comprehensive IT support to the Department of Landscape Architecture, manages the instructional computing labs in Blake Hall, and provides advanced technical software support for products like AutoCAD and ArcGIS.

Robert Muldowney.

Robert Muldowney
Research Computing Consultant
Project Manager, Scientific Computing
Rob is available to assist the faculty in the integration of laboratory instrumentation with computing technology, scientific data transformations, Unix/Linux/Windows system administration, and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS).    He also serves as a research computing consultant, able to provide guidance and recommendations with respect to specific scientific computing needs.

Raul Sanchez.

Raul Sanchez
Unit Computing Manager
Raul provides comprehensive IT support to the Food Science and EFNEP staff, and provides supplemental coverage to several other areas of SEBS and NJAES as needed. Raul is also working on several other initatives, such as Rutgers Active Directory, PC imaging, and Kace desktop management systems.

Martha Sosa

Martha Sosa
Unit Computing Specialist
Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources; and Entomology;
Martha provides comprehensive IT support to the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources and the Department of Entomology.

Kenny Torres

Kenny Torres
Unit Computing Specialist
Kenny provides comprehensive IT support to the Department of Agricultural, Food & Resource Economics, the Department of Human Ecology, and the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology.

Barney Ward.

Barney Ward
Systems Administrator
Off-campus Research and Extension Centers and Video Conferencing Systems
Barney provides comprehensive IT support to the off-campus research and extension centers. He manages all of the video conferencing and distance learning infrastructure operated by NJAES throughout the State.

Bruce Willinger.

Bruce Willinger
Unit Computing Manager
Plant Biology
Bruce provides comprehensive IT support to the Department of Plant Biology and Pathology.